Baler Itinerary

Baler Aurora Tour

7:43:00 AM

Budget for the trip:
Tour Package: ₱1800+200 
Food: ₱1000
Surfing: ₱300
Others: 700
Prepare a Budget of: 4000 - sobra sobra na yan!

  • Surfing at Sabang Beach
  • Swimming at Dimatubo Mother Falls
  • Trekking at Parola Light House
  • City Tour at Baler - Aurora

Our Story:
We availed a Baler Aurora Adventure Group Tour Package with Maku Travels. The Package includes: 
- 2days 1nights accommodation in a transient
- Round trip transfer from Clark to Baler (vise versa)
- All day transportation service
- Cute Tour guides

There must be a minimum of 10pax to avail the package. Unfortunately, I, the planner/organiser do not have many friends - I cannot complete the 10pax. We were only 6 by then. I asked many people to join our tour, some of them promised to join if we move the date. We have moved the date of our tour for a month! Yet, in the end we were only 6pax. The agency felt pity on us so she agreed to let us continue the tour even though we're only 6,  for an additional fee of 200pesos - she invited her family to join with us in the tour :)

They fetch us at Clark by 12am. On our way to Baler we were all asleep so I cant remember how we got there. By 4am we stopped by to a little sari sari store - I dont have any idea where we were - We had some stretching and some hot cup noodles and chit chats. Then we hit the road again.

By 6am we were almost in our destination, we passed by the Pantabangan Dam - but did not stop in here, so I took a quick photo as we passed by. Then we stopped by a small stall selling suman - i dont know what's suman in english. They gave us a free taste then we hit the road again.

Our First stop is the Balite Tree. This is a famous tourist spot in Baler - you can take a photo - go inside the tree - our even climb it or just stand and stare and appreciate its awesomeness.

Second Stop is in the Dimatubo Falls, also known as Mother Falls. We enter into this stranger's house to change outfit - instructed by our tour guide - because we are about to swim :) Then we took a tricycle ride - you have to pay 200 pesos for 3pax - the fee is excluded in the package. The road is too rough! I hit my head so hard :( After a short ride. We stopped by to register for the trekking and entering the Mother Falls. We also had breakfast in here - there are many eatery along the registration area. The food is okay and you should never skip breakfast because you'll be needing a lot of energy for the activity ahead.

We proceed in the trekking, it was easy but long. No need for proper shoes - but better if you were wearing one - You will passed by into a rough road, some paths are slippery, muddy, rocky, with tall grasses, big stones, and you have to cross on a bamboo bridge and some shallow rivers.

Then you will see many wet people passing by, that means we're here! It was beautiful, not so crowded, very cold water, some parts are shallow and some are really deep and scary - so beware. - I do not have a good photo because I was having so much fun :) You better check my videos.

We had fun in here swimming, screaming, dancing and singing. Super fun! Look at us. We swum across a wall to have a sit while taking some rest but unfortunately an accident happen. Mew - not a very good swimmer - got drowned! Because he had a painful cramps while swimming across. He was really drowning - I was very scared - I dont know if I should jump and help him - but what if he drags me down - so I was just shouting to him, swim! swim! float! do a floating style! He did and he survived. Up to now he cannot accept what happen - I think he needs a closure and for once try to cross that wall. 

After that we went to the town proper for lunch. Then went straight to the transient and took a shower then rest for a while. By 3pm we prepare for another adventure.. its surfing time! We went to Sabang Beach and rented a surfing board and guide for 300 pesos per hour.

We were on the shore as the instructor teaches us what to do, on how to stand on the board and enjoy the wave. Then we hit the ocean! It was hard. Very Hard! For an hour I never had the chance to stand up! But on the very last minute I did! Look at me!

After this adventure we called it a day. We had dinner in an Eatery - we did not try the best restaurant in Baler because we do not have the budget for food trip. Then we took shower and prepare for the night - not to sleep but to party! We invited our tour guide's family to join us in playing cards. It was really fun.

The next day.. we had a breakfast in an eatery then went to a beach called Diguisit Islet. we did not swim, we just enjoyed and appreciated the scenery. Then we prepare ourselves to do the trekking - it was hard - we did not wear proper shoes that's why its really hard for us. I did not finish the  trekking, I stopped half way and rest while the others kept trekking, one friend of mine accompanied me - so we just chilled and appreciate the scenery. Its beautiful :) Here's a video.

After waiting for the others for almost an hour, we went down and did a city tour.
We first went in a Resort, I think we were supposed to do swimming but we did not swim, we just put our feet on the pool splashing the water while having some good laugh.

Then we passed by the Baby Falls, but did not bother to explore it. Next, we went to Museo de Baler. It has a 25pesos entrance fee - excluded in the package. Its an ordinary tour of Baler's History and stuff. We explored it for 30mins then went off to our next destination.

We went to a old house of Dona Aurora Quezon. Its a nippa house. I looks good and the air is very refreshing in this place - no electric fan.

Then we proceed to Ermita Hills, they say people went up onto this hill when a powerful tsunami hit the city of Aurora Baler. Our tour guide said we should explore the place while they wait for us, But we do not have the energy so we just bought ice cream and took a rest.

We did not went to the hanging bridge, tour guide said there's no more time. Also we do not have a photo in the iconic "BALER" - there was a huge amount of people in line just to get a groupie/selfie with it. We were not patient enough..  but I got this badass photo of us in Museo de Baler :) Then we prepare to get home!

On our way home we passed by the suman stall and bought suman :) I dont know what time we hit the road but we got home late. Anyway its a fun experience :)

Tour Videos:
Day 1
12mn - travel time going Baler
6am - Town Proper of Baler Aurora
6:30 - Visit Balite Tree
7:00 - Travel to Mother Falls
7:30 - Breakfast by the River at Mother Falls
8:30 - Start Treking
9:30 - Swimming at Mother Falls
10:30 - Go back to Town Proper
12:00 - Lunch
1:00 - Travel to Transient
1:30 - Rest
3:00 - Travel to Sabang Beach
3:30 - Surfing and chillin
enjoy the rest of the day :)

Day 2
8:00 - Prepare fo a new adventure
9:00 - Breakfast
10:00 - Beach tour
10:30 - Trekking
12:00 - Lunch
1:00 - City tour
2:00 - Going Home

Maku Travels:
MAKU TRAVEL & TOURS/TRANSPORT RENTAL SERVICE                                 Address: 2nd Floor Fortune Star Condominium Vicas Bagumbong, Caloocan City 
Tel. No. 5791736 / 5141932 / Cellphone No. 09068878854/09223503709
Facebook: Maku Travels

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