
Canyoneering at Badian - Kawasan Falls

1:27:00 AM

Budget for the trip for 2pax:
Food: ₱300
Transport: ₱500
Activity: 1400 - 700/each
Total: ₱2200 for two


- Canyoneering
- Swimming at Kawasan Falls

How to get there:

1. Ride a tricycle going Badian

Our Story:
Still on our second day here in Cebu City, after doing a breath taking swimming with the Whale Sharks activity, we took a quick shower and proceeds to the Kawasan Falls Canyoneering Adventure!

From the facility where we stay in Oslob many tricycle drivers offers a traspo to Badian for a minimal fee (I forgot the exact amount - but its less than 500).

They have a very cool tricycle in here, it can fit 5-7 person as it has a seat at the back of the tricycle. We were seated at the back, good thing about it is you can enjoy a very nice view, down side is the sun will burn you really bad.

As we got there, we fish ate lunch, there is a eatery near the barangay hall of Badian, we rest a bit before we started the briefing and signing off the waver.

One of our friend found this guy who offers the acitivy for a very cheap price compare to those I've seen online, we had it for only ₱700 while others will ask for ₱1200++.. Just search for Mark Yong's fb and contact him incase you are up to this adventure!

We did some change outfits, specially with the shoes for safety purposes. Dont be very excited with the outfits and shoes as they are not really appealing and been worn by many. Kuya carried our things and bags in his motor and said he will meet us on the other side. Apparently there is a shortcut to Kawasan Falls for those who are not very adventurous.

We started it by riding a motorcycle going to the jungle like place, then had a little walk.. as you go nearer you will hear many people screaming lol.. I was excited and scared.. then I saw it..

The first thing you need to do is to jump! It was very thrilling yet nerve wracking!! The tour guide said we are going to travel for 4-5 hours depending on how fast we are and there will be 4-5 falls that we need to jump off from! I believe I was the last one to jump.. I remembered that I did not acted very "pabebe" I was so ready!

Before jumping.. you have to look at the first people that jumps, study how they do it and bare in mind this is fun! you paid for this! just do it! lol Listen very carefully to your tour guide as he tells you where to jump, how powerful should the jump be..for safety... There is one part that is very dangerous.. You wont see a whole unless you stepped down, one wrong step going down and you will end up to that whole! scary!

The feeling was like.. you are suiciding, losing your mind jumping off that cliff... and could not do anything about it as you have to continue the tour, you cannot stop as you are continuously falling to the cold water below. It felt like falling then boom! very cold water.. it was so good.. i liked it!

Then we continue walking and trekking, walk.. swim..walk..then jump off the cliff again. We were doing it for hours and it wasn't very tiring, it was difficult but it was really fun. Floating in a very deep water is really fun and relaxes my tired feet. The nature looks so good, the rock formations, the trees, the super nice color of the water.. Another good thing is, the sun doesn't strikes too much..

Be very careful with the sharp rocks! I bumpped by head too many times to these rocks, good thing we got helmets. I also ripped my pants as I was sliding. My man took off his shirt to cover my behind and sacrifices his very hunk body to be exposed.. that my guy!

After 4hours of canyoneering we finally arrived to a little paradise.. That is.. the sari sari store of Ate! After 4 hours we finally had to drink water!! And kuya our tour guide, has not had his lunch yet.. I was offering him to buy anything he wants and we can wait for him to fill is empty stomach but he just pick an egg and a water.. Then we continue..

After another hour we stopped by to this wonderfull paradise.. thought it was the Kawasan Falls but no.. we are still an hour far! So we continue..

The only thing I did not like about this tour is walking on the flat surface.. It rained that day and the ground turned to a muddy path.. It was so slippery, I fell down many times and was very scared to break my injured knee.. Kuya tour guide held my hand and we did HHWWPSSP lol (holding hands while walking pa swing swing pa - for those who dont know it)

Then finally!! After 6 hours canyoneering.. we arrived to Kawasan Falls!!! We also met the guy who carried our bags.. We enjoyed the view and swim.. It was.. it was a little disappointing.. it wasnt as beautiful as the what we had seen inside the canyoneering area, maybe because it is developed.. I mean there are restaurants and cottages scattered the side of it..

They also had that raft near the falls, just like what we see in photos but it has a fee of 300pesos and you will have to operate the raft on your own or pay 500 for someone to operate it for you. We did not had the money and the energy to try it so we stick into swimming.. After a while we had shower and changed clothes. Then we rode a motor cycle for a 100pesos fee. Its a very short and fast rode compare to what we did in the canyoneering.

Going home is a little difficult than doing in here, We had to wait for a bus to pass by and hope for the best that it can accommodate as all After half an hour waiting we were approached by a guy to ride on to his van for 500pesos per head. I thought we were going right away after we paid but we had to wait til they fill all of the seats. Then off we go!

It was a very nice and exhausting day..

Check out our tour Video here:

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