Budget for this Food Trip:
Venti: ₱180
Total = ₱180 for two
Total = ₱180 for two
Food Trip Review:
Place ★★★★
Food: ★★
Service: ★★★★
Verdict: Favorite | Will Comeback | Just Okay | Never Again
What's Good:
1. I look like a high-end human being
What's not so good:
What's not so good:
1. Not worth it
Our Story:
Our Story:
After work, we really feel sleepy and its cold so we decided to buy a Coffee. But what coffee? Mcdo's Coffee? Other Coffee from coffee shops? or why not try a Starbucks Coffee...
And so we did, we head on to SM Clark's Starbucks and ordered one Venti sized Cappuccino. Why one? because we never order two beverages ever. Why Venti? I'm not sure why. Why Cappuccino? Because he said so. :)
That's why I said my name is Jerel. And then she said. "Ow, you're going to give it to someone" / "ah, ipampapasalubong mo mam" I was confused.. Then I saw the cup in name of Gerald. And mewtut also got this issue. No stranger in this entire world have ever written his name correctly. They always write Gerald on it. I mean, how come people cant get "Je-rel".
We have tested this many times. When he order and say his name, people will assume its Gerald. So I said let me say your name because people wont assume my name is Gerald, duh im a girl! And as a result I got Jeren and Jerem. We gave up :(
So back to this bucks. Its really hot. I cant take a sip, We traveled from sm to AUF Mcdonalds and its still hot. Mewtut drinks it and said its not good, its tasteless and boring. But I cannot take a sip since its hot, so I plan to go at Mcdo and ask for a cup of ice. I had the ice and put it in the coffee. Now its more like a "forgotten coffee" not hot , not cold, no spirit at all.
But at least now I can taste it. And I dont like it. I took 6packs of sugar and put it in still not good. Waste of money. But instead of throwing it away, we gave it to a beggar.